“Welcome to Boating” Educational Workshops
Saturday, September 18, 2021
The Metro Boat Show is welcoming all boaters, new and seasoned, to this educational workshop series on Saturday, Sept. 18. Seats for each workshop will be limited. To reserve a seat, please sign up with the link provided below. A boat show ticket is required to attend workshops, as they will be located inside the show on the main boardwalk. See the floorplan at the event for directions. We can’t wait to see you at the show!

11:15 – 12 Prevent the Spread of Aquatic Invasive Species
McKenzi Waliczek, Lake St. Clair CISMA Coordinator
Moving a boat from one body or water to another comes with the responsibility of cleaning, draining, and drying the boat to mitigate the spread of aquatic invasive species that can cause unsurmountable damage to aquatic habitats and Michigan waters. Learn how to properly decontaminate your boat and do your part to stop the spread at this informational session.

12-1 pm Your role in Shrink wrap Recycling
Katie Fournier, Michigan Recycling Coalition
Winterizing your boat these days means using shrink wrapping it with a UV protected film plastic. In fact, shrink wrapping is becoming a go-to environmental protection for a variety of industries. But what happens to that shrink wrap when you’re ready to get that boat back on the water? We hope you you’ll recycle it. Join this workshop to learn about participating in a statewide program, as boater, marina, boat storage, and supply store. We all have a role to play. For every cover recycled we save 115 Kwh of energy, 13.5 gallons of oil, and 16-20 cubic ft. of landfill space. But more importantly this material is sold to manufacturers to make new products.

1-2 pm Battery Maintenance
Jospeh Czarnioswski, Killowatt Power Systems
Your boat can’t run without a reliable battery! Learn about the best, year-round battery maintenance practices for boaters in the Michigan region. Topics discussed with include general maintenance, wiring, charging system, storage solutions and more!

2-3 pm Boating Safety
Dr. Robert Blau, U.S. Power Squadron
The key to a safe boating experience is education and awareness. Learn from the US Power Squadrons important rules of the water, safety equipment needs for boating, and more. Find out how to and where to take a course to earn your boating certificate. Participants can practice on the hands-on skills trainer!

3-3:45 pm General Boat Maintenance
Brian West, USCG Licensed Captain, Adjunct Faculty Marine Technician Program MTEC Macomb Community College
Maintaining your boat properly allows for more time on the water and great memories with family and friends. Attend this session and learn more about annual maintenance from fuel and engines to tips for winterization and spring launch you’ll keep your boat running smoothly for the entire boating season!

4-4:30 pm Be a Good Boating Steward
Brian Kelley, Michigan Clean Maria Program Advisor
“We all have to do our part to keep Michigan waters beautiful,” is a quote from a northern Michigan boater on why he boats at a Certified Clean Marina and makes the effort to keep Michigan waters clean for generations to come. This session will highlight how you can be a responsible boater for the environment. From cleaning and recycling, best practices of Certified Clean Marinas, fuel spill prevention and clean up – we urge you to attend to learn how YOU can be a leading advocate for clean boating.